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Welcome to International Inclusive Centre of Heritage Institute

Helping Children With Autism Exceeded Expectations Since 2020

Uniqueness in every child, equality for all children

We help children anywhere in the world develop speech and communication skills, overcome problems of the emotional and volitional sphere, develop creative abilities and love for the world around them. We promote tolerance and acceptance of all people. In our work, we use the latest online correction techniques, providing an individual approach to everyone.

Start speech

Speech triggering in non-speaking children is a process aimed at stimulating speech in children whose speech does not correspond to norms or is completely absent. The purpose of language initiation is to help the child learn and use communication skills to express their thoughts, needs, and emotions.

Speech correction

Speech correction in speech therapy is a process aimed at correcting speech development disorders in children and adults. It includes diagnosing problems, developing individual programs, using special techniques and exercises to improve pronunciation, grammar and other aspects of speech, as well as working with motor skills of the organs of articulation. Speech correction is carried out by speech therapists to ensure that patients have the best possible speech and communication skills.


The child experiences difficulties in various aspects of development, including memory, communication and performance. He has speech therapy disorders, delayed speech development, as well as problems with psychomotor development, sleep and appetite. Inhibition and hyperactivity may occur, as well as lack of self-control and impulsivity. Difficulties in mastering writing, reading and counting skills are also noted. In this regard, it is recommended to contact our specialists for the necessary assistance and correction.

Child's drawing on a cup

Art. Therapy

Through art therapy, children can overcome psychological difficulties and trauma, resolve internal conflicts and self-esteem problems, understand their place in the world and deepen their inner resources. Art therapy classes offer a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of creativity and art, enrich children's emotional experience and unleash children's creative potential.

Art class

Preparation for school

Your child has difficulty mastering educational material, and also has a low concentration and limited memory capacity. His behavior is characterized by non-compliance with instructions, reluctance to study and reluctance to prepare for school. Low self-esteem and an inability to cope with failure and achieve goals indicate potential psychological difficulties. Experiences of trauma and illness can also have an impact on development. These problems require serious attention from specialists for further diagnosis and support.

Питомники растений

Eco-friendly therapy

Art in environmental therapy is aimed at involving a person in the ecosystem, promoting the development of his empathy towards the environment, the formation of environmental consciousness and self-understanding.

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